After a certain point, there will be possibility for profit. From the beginning, there will be very little profit, if any at all. This skill will require copious amounts of capital. Due to the large number of stones used and the high rate of failure, there will always be a demand for enhancement stones, despite the large number of people taking up the skill. Required for enhancement, enhancement stones usually bring a decent price. Stone Production is also a very popular Alchemy skill. Vending potions will be difficult, so it is not recommended for those with little patience. Potions require at least three materials, and the price most will buy at will be around 20-30c. Potion Production is more difficult and not as often chosen as the Stone Production skill. Hence, for beginners who wish to take Scroll Production it is highly suggested that you stick to slimes, slow slimes, ratmen, little lizards and ice vivii when levelling up to ensure you get the preliminary items However, purchasing is not a guaranteed option for scroll productions because of the high demand for summoned beast items. Due to(the extremely high supply, it is not recommended to exceed 150c. Simply purchase the materials required (Suggested Price: 8~10c each.) Afterwards, sell them off at whatever price you wish. Scroll Production is one of the most common Alchemy skills chosen and also one of the most difficult if you are just starting out. if you sell them for this price yiu will make 850 copper every 50 alchemy stones and if you selll them in quantities of 5 sets of 50 each you will make close to 4 silver be aware the sell very fast. Another great way to make money is doing quests for fame and then buying alchemy stones from item merchant Nina in Elderine any level of them will do but to make the best profit you buy level 1 alchemy stones and sell the for 20 copper to 15 copper i sell them for 17 copper each in quantittes of 5 sets of 50.

Alchemy is divided into 5 portions in Fiesta. The most common choice for money making is Alchemy. EACH PRODUCTION SKILL CAN BE PURCHASED FROM THE SKILLS MERCHANT UNDER ALCHEMY